N.G Chili Sauce. Only red pepper, vinegar, salt, and sugar are used in the production process. No added preservatives, no ketchup, no thickeners, no artificial colors, and gluten-free. Unique taste made of 100% natural , N.G Original Chili Sauce adds a new taste to your food, whether it is Italian pizza, American burger, steak, tuna sandwich, fried egg, fried chicken, French fries, or Asian food, N.G Chili Sauce can be perfectly matched !

新时代辣椒酱. 制作过程只用了红辣椒,醋,盐,糖. 无添加防腐剂,无番茄酱,无增稠剂,无人造色素,不含麸质. 100%纯天然制造的独特口味, 新时代原味辣椒酱为您的美食增添新滋味,不管是意大利披萨,美国汉堡,牛排,吞拿鱼三文治,煎蛋,炸鸡,薯条,还是亚洲美食,新时代辣椒酱都可完美配合!